Monday, April 26, 2010

Little Blessings

A heart is filled with hope and joy because of little blessings.  It's those little blessings that help to make living so beautiful. Although it's easy to overlook them - like when someone lets you into a line of traffic -  it's seeing things as blessings instead of obstacles that will make a difference in your life.  If I'm driving behind someone that is going a bit slow or I catch every red light along the way, I accept that there must be a reason I need to slow down.  I think positive thoughts and am thankful for the blessing.  I haven't always seen that situation as a blessing though.  I've learned to.

Say it however you want; You get more with honey than you do with vinegar.  I've had plenty of vinegar in my life and for a time was quite bitter.  When I began to replace the vinegar with honey, my life changed completely.  I changed my diet.  My thought diet, that is.  For example, when someone would tailgate me, I would think "I'm doing the speed limit, what's your $%%#*& hurry?".  Now, I think "Gees, he must be running late for work.  Hope he doesn't get into trouble." 

Little blessings are easy to give too.  Try this sometime.  Next time you're buying a cup of coffee at Stewart's, pay for another cup the same size and tell the clerk the next one's on you.  The clerk knows you paid for it and you know you paid for it however the person that receives that free cup of coffee just knows that someone was kind enough to do that.  It's a great way to share.

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