I am a woman of strong passions. Sometimes that's a blessing and other times, well, not so much. A tad emotional (I'm the family drama queen), I've occassionally managed my emotions inappropriately. Yet haven't we all? When we humans make a decesion based on a dark emotion, we usually make the wrong one. Any decision made based on one is bound to create escalating difficulties. Managing anger is the hardest. For me to do so I had to learn patience, something I was not gifted with. Those "wonderful" adolescent years raising my son taught me the necessity of it. My son gave me the grounding that I needed to have just as I grounded him.
Being patient with emotionally charged behavior - a signature of adolescence - is something I never learned though, including my own. I have become increasingly frustrated with the behaviour eminating from the office of the Mayor of the City of Troy. Personally, I think someone needs a little grounding. It is no secret in local politics that I am not a fan of Troy's current mayor, the Honorable Harry Tututjian. Politically a registered Democrat, I'm moderate; liberal in some ways and conservative in others. I don't always agree with Mr. Dunne yet I respect the way he has consistantly conducted himself and has represented his constiuents during his term.
The animosity between the mayor and myself is well established, yet I supported his decision to seek the demolition of One Monument Square. Since I'm ardently in support of saving Troy's heritage through historic preservation, you might find that support strange. Do you remember what was torn down to put the Concrete Monster up?
As a Real Citizen of Troy, I find our mayor lacking in certain behavorial controls. He has continually allowed his emotions to inform his decision-making process, evident when he insisted that demolition begin on New Year's Eve while knowing that the law required Asbestos Abatement prior to the onset of any demolition. He will only listen to what HE wants to hear. If your opinion of a situation differs from his, he will respond in an adolescent manner. He becomes defensive. Anyone who has had to oppose his views knows this to be true.
There are consequences to actions. Unless one is taught that lesson, one is unable to understand the impact made upon others by such actions. Harry Tutunjian personally should be held financially responsible for any fines his irrational and emotionally charged behaviour has generated. SHAME ON YOU MR. MAYOR. You need to be grounded! Let's start with you footing the bill for the fines the tax paying residents of Troy will incur due to your immaturity.