As a registered Democrat, I was heartily disappointed when the Democratic committee selected Clem Campana to run for mayor over Lynn Kopka. Don't get me wrong, I like Clem, I really do. He's a great guy but he never had a chance of beating Carmela, NEVER. Not with voter fraud hanging over his head. Kopka, clear in the voter fraud issue, was the PERFECT candidate to take on Carmela. It's a shame that the committe members were too blind to see that. A damn shame.
As for the debacle of Jerry Campana's placement into Conway Court, I've already made my opinion of that clear. THA is currently Republican run. The Campana family didn't "pull in a favor" to get Jerry placed. I have said and continue to believe that some republican operative or operatives saw it as an opportunity to put the proverbial "nail in the coffin" of his mayorial campaign and that's just what happened. How shameful. Damn shameful. Do I think Carmela had anything to do with it? NO. I think some low level Republican flunky saw it as an opportunity to earn brownie points and pulled this stunt without her knowledge. If I were Carmela, I'd be pissed because it makes her look bad. That's a shame too.
Now the Dems have to figure out who they can run that has a shot at winning. Maybe Bill Dunne. He's clear of voter fraud and term limited off the council. Then again if I were Bill I'd run for the hills before I'd run for mayor. Hey, here's an idea. Why don't they endorse Jack Cox, Jr's candidacy? He's planning an independant campaign anyway and it would save the Democratic Committee the trouble of trying to talk someone else into a losing proposition.