Friday, July 23, 2010

Lawmakers & Peace Officers are Citizens Too

Lawmakers create them; Citizens abide by them; Peace Officers uphold them. Laws are our rules for a civil society. Even the trivial laws are enacted for the betterment of society in general. When a citizen fails to abide by a law, other citizens are affected. Know anyone who was adversely affected because of someone else’s uncivil behaviors? Each law was enacted, should be obeyed and must be enforced.

Although we like to think that all citizens are held to the same standard, we know that that is not the case. Some – whether elected or hired – believe that their position is a free pass to disregard a law if they see fit to do so. Often, they are correct. They are extended “professional courtesy”. When those that are elected to create or those whom are sworn to uphold our laws are allowed to disobey them, our civil society is threatened. Lawmakers and peace officers are citizens as well and MUST be held to the same standard as all citizens are. No more, no less.

We’ve all broken a law or two in our days. Not flipping on your turn signal; Not using a crosswalk when crossing a street; Not picking up poochie’s poop; Walking down a street with an open can of beer; Burning wood in a pit in your back yard; Setting off fireworks for the 4th of July; Driving after a drink or two too many. Sometimes ya get called out on it and when you do ya have to pay the price. It’s time that ALL citizens caught breaking a law pay the SAME price for doing so.

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