Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Learn from Their Mistakes

Just like my grandfather, I read three sections of the paper daily: the op-eds, the blotter and the obits. From these three sections, the vibrations of our city’s life can be felt. The op-eds speak to a variety of issues, keeping us informed of the public's opinions.  From the blotter, we are educated as to who got caught doing what where, sometimes how they were caught. The obits tell us who has left their families and friends with a void that can never be filled. Sometimes, reading the obits isn't necessary though to hear of someone's passing.  Some deaths make news. 

There were three deaths reported in The Record this past week or so that did just that.  In two of these deaths, the driver’s anti-social behavior caused their own death - fortunately, not anyone else’s. In the third case, the pedestrian wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings. All sad, all avoidable. There are lessons to be learned from these deaths.

The young man in such a hurry to get somewhere that he never made it to
Lesson: Driving like a maniac will not get you someplace any quicker.
              In fact, it could prevent you from getting there at all.

The druggie too scared to get caught that he ate his drugs
Lesson: It’s one way to avoid jail time – just not a good way

The pedestrian who stepped out from between two parked cars at just the wrong time
Lesson: Look both ways TWICE before crossing a street and use crosswalks. Even if they take you 50 feet out of your way, they’re there for your protection.

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