It was hard work, determination and guts that made Uptown Troy NY productive industrially. Those great Trojan industrialists recognized the advantages of being located in “middle-ground”. Even more so, they recognized the resource that is the Hudson River. She not only provided them a cost effective shipping, she provided them with hydropower. Magnificent factory structures still line our riverfront today.
Remnants of Troy’s original north/south roadway, North First Street, which was constructed of native cobblestones can still be walked today. You’ll find it just east of The Ale House off of North Street. What is now River Street was once a canal that fed the Hudson’s water through hydro-systems in the sub-floors of the factories. Today easy access to the Hudson River Fishery can be gained two blocks north at the Ingalls Avenue Boat Launch.
The possibility of developing city owned land adjacent to the boat launch into a service area for boaters or a park for residents and visitors alike is an appealing one. I spent my teen years playing in that very area. Needs a bit of cleaning up but is ideally located close to the Federal Dam. My friends and I understand that while we continue working to Revitalize Uptown Troy, so too are we working for the betterment of the whole community of Troy.
Please continue supporting The Uptown Initiative’s efforts and those of our CDC Partners: Albany Jewish Community Center, Project Hope/Fort Edward, WSW Art Farm, Encore Theater, Palace Performing Arts Center and Hannah’s Hope.
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