Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Persevere to Preserve

History counts. I know it's not exactly everyone's favorite subject in school yet it is as important as math, science and reading.  History teaches us not to make the same mistakes and to applaud the strength of our ancestors.  When I argue for preservation of a property, I urge honor for our ancestors and hope for our children's children.  When something can be touched, seen, felt its impact is greater.

Some are asking what a church in Watervliet has to do with Troy.  It has to do with history.  Watervliet was once West Troy so holds the hearts of Trojans in a strange way.  St. Patrick's soaring structure - its pure magnificence - is the beacon of Watervliet for all who travel 787 & Route 7 every day.  No supermarket will be that and that's for sure.

I will persevere to preserve.

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